Record winter ice cover in Antarctica

The Australian reports that there is record winter ice coverage in Antarctica.
"...WINTER sea ice cover in the Antarctic has grown to its largest extent since satellite records began in the late 1970s, defying most climate models and muddying the waters of the global warming debate.

The latest data from NASA's satellites shows the winter sea ice cover around the frozen continent reached a record 19.47 million sq km last month. That beats last winter's 19.44 million sq km -- itself a record.

According to NASA, it is 3.6 per cent higher than the average maximum between 1981 and 2010, with the sea ice cover in Antarctica growing at 1.5 per cent a decade.

The data runs contrary to the projections of many climate-change models. It also contrasts with observations of this year's Arctic summer minimum sea ice extent, which America's National Snow and Ice Data Centre says was about 30 per cent below levels seen in the early 1980s.

Scientists appear unable to definitively explain the phenomenon, but believe increasingly strong winds in Antarctica and an increase in rain and snow on the Southern Ocean are the most likely factors.

Of course they also scramble to suggest this in no way is evidence against Global Warming... OK if they say so. So, how come every time the facts on the ground don't point to Global Warming they dismiss them as natural or something something, but when it can be used to bolster the case (no matter how trivial the event or data) it is give as absolute proof? They need to learn what the term falsifiable means.
...A growing body of research suggests the main reason for the increase in Antarctic sea ice is an increase in the force of polar winds. It shoves the sea ice together, causing ridging and creating thicker, longer lasting ice and promoting sea ice growth.
- See more at: The Australian