Friday, November 16, 2012

6th Grade Class Given Assignment To Write Stories Against Conservative Organization

This has to be a form of defamation. If I were ALEC I would file a law suit.

h/t Breitbart
...Frankly, I have a hard time getting my mind around this story. A teacher in a 6th Grade "journalism" class at a public school in Southern California distributed the materials below to students. The materials are highly critical of ALEC, The American Legislative Exchange Council, a membership organization of conservative state legislators. The students were assigned to use the materials to write news articles critical of the organization. Did I mention this was for 6th graders?

I have always been more politically aware than most of my peers. I'm pretty certain, though, that in 6th grade I was only vaguely aware of the difference between the federal and state governments. I'm also pretty confident that the material passed out in the class, written by a clearly left-wing partisan, would have seemed like gibberish to me. It would have taken several days of private-school instruction to even begin to make myself familiar with the concepts touched on in the document...

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