Sunday, November 18, 2012

Romney Adviser Blames ‘Far Right’ For Republican Failure With Hispanics

Blaming the "Right Wing" for Romney loss is ignorant. People like this (especially because HE failed to get more then Romney more than 27% of Latino vote). We cannot keep incentivizing illegal immigration. We just can't. We need to do the following:

  1. Lock down the border, TIGHT!
  2. Dramatically simplify the immigration process
  3. Punish severely those people who knowingly hire people not authorizes to work in the USA
  4. Sanction those people who have violated the process by making them pay sufficient fines that the marginal cost of cheating the immigration laws is greater then the benefit
  5. Servery punish those who aid illegal aliens in their identity and Social Security fraud efforts
  6. Welcome with open arms those who want to come to this country legally

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